Depending on the individual overall situation and the position of existing natural teeth, recommendations can be made for the required number of implants. Edentulous jaw: number of implants required to support fixed dentures in the maxilla⇒8 implants. Edentulous jaw:number of implants required to support fixed dentures in the mandible⇒6 implants.Edentulous jaw:number of implants required to support removable dentures in the edentulous mandible⇒4 implants.Post traumatic grade 1 defects are Tooth loss alone, Intact bone, Intact mucosa. Alveolar bone loss and Loss of mucosa/scar formation are higher grade defects.
IMC/Impant 2014
Surgical guides with window-design provide an excellent overview of the surgical field. When used in the anterior jaw region, surgical with occlusal pilot holes can lead to inaccuracy in placement of the implant exit point and, thus, to a decrease in aesthetic quality due to inadequate drill guidance.Surgical guides with guide sleeves are associated with a risk titanium contamination in the implant bed.Plastic positioning device with vestibular recesses do not provide maximum precision in the aesthetic zone but can be used as a universal tool in non-visible regions.
IMC/Impant 2014